Nerve Pain - What You SHOULDN’T Do! 

 Nerve pain are an unfun experience. Whether you’re a child, working citizen or retired senior, pain in our nerves are quite frankly a pain in the 000. The simple truth is that they can disturb our daily functioning lives and take all of our focus. Though, with that in mind, there are some people who simply put too much focus on this harsh symptom and may even make it worse by doing so. It is important to conduct the proper research and investigation before making a final decision on what you should do and what’s the best course of action for your specific case. 

Regardless of the severity of your nerve pain, there are a few things that you must never do when experiencing it. These factors have been researched and clinically proven to have a counter effect on our symptoms and can therefore make it worse or even develop accompanying symptoms. Therefore, you must avoid doing these at all costs: 

1. Losing Control - People who develop nerve pain tend to panic initially. Panic is sort of losing control of your psychological status and entering a manic mode. This is not a recommended route, since it can definitely make your condition worse than it is and place you in a further location from resolution. Always make sure that you are completely calm and relaxed, which will help you make an informed decision on all aspects of this syndrome. 

2. Purchase Senselessly - Individuals who experience nerve pain tend to want a solution to the problem so badly, that they purchase just about any treatment option offered them. It is crucial to keep in mind that the internet has many scammers that offer unwanted treatment options, which will definitely be purchased if you’ll not make a smart, carefully-though decision. Consult friends and family members and your doctor and then purchase the treatment that suits you best. 

3. Hypochondriacs - Patients with nerve pain generally believe that this pain is due to a severe problem. Though, this doesn’t have to be the case. Pain doesn’t always indicate a serious problem, but can only be a local manifestation of a small reaction or injury. Therefore, don’t immediately assume that you are going to die or going to need a surgical operation. This may only be a minor syndrome that can be solved with an over-the-counter drug!

Mass Will Make Lean Muscle Mass A Reality!

Regardless of your current fitness level, there is always a good supplement product for you in the Crazy Mass product line. Whether you’re already regarded as a seasoned weight lighter or just starting out in the bodybuilding program, you will always have the chance to find the optimal bodybuilding legal supplements that can help you reach all of your muscle mass goals. Undoubtedly, such supplements can highly help you construct even the biggest of lean muscle, while also controlling what fat your body ultimately digests. Therefore, it help to make possible a large, more-defined muscle structure within a very short period. It is definitely possible to receive bodybuilding legal supplements quickly as well! 

If you still aren’t comfortable or confident yet in consuming bodybuilding supplements, then you aren’t alone. There are many people just like you who are contemplating whether or not to purchase a bodybuilding product. Many are afraid of their possible side effects or their seriosity. The fact of the matter is that if you purchase a serious company , then your chances of getting scammed are practically zero. When you go with Crazy Mass, you know that you are dealing with a qualified supplement manufacturer who has the required experience in the industry and knows how to deliver results. 

You can also achieve natural supplementation through your everyday eating meal patterns. One such natural supplement consists of the egg, which is a great source of nutrients. A fresh egg has various essential vitamins and minerals which can highly assist you in reaching all of your goals. Folic acid, Vitamin A, iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin V6 and even riboflavin are only a few of the essential vitamins that eggs can deliver to your body. 

Soybeans are an additional element to one’s bodybuilding ingredients. Soy is quite rich in the important protein, meaning that is possesses all of the essential amino acids that our bodies don’t easily get. Soybeans additionally possess an array of vitamins and minerals that can help you throughout your bodybuilding program, including calcium, zinc and magnesium. Another crucial advantage that soybeans offer is that they help prevent the mineral deposits to get build up in your body, including joints and blood vessel areas. Ultimately, adding these soybeans into your natural supplementation program will definitely help you remain healthy. 

Don’t worry about natural bodybuilding supplements, as most of them can be highly trusted. Crazy Mass is one of the best bodybuilding supplements you’ll ever encounter and can be fully understood here 

Make sure to get your own Crazy Mass product as soon as possible!

Crazy Mass Bodybuilding Supplement - Myths Vs Facts 

Bodybuilding legal supplements are widely purchased and consumed for muscle mass enhancing purposes, as well as decrease post-workout recovery times, and make workouts much more beneficial. Nevertheless, there are various misconceptions associated with bodybuilding supplements. Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly encountered myths & facts. 

1. Myth: Bodybuilding supplements aren’t safe and are dangerous.

Fact: The vast majority of bodybuilding supplements are in fact in no way dangerous if the proper dose is used. It is important to go with supplements that are popular, since those that sell most usually do so for a reason. In addition, it is important to find a supplement that has been clinically tested so that you know that you are dealing with a reliable product that you can fully trust. 

2. Myth: Bodybuilding product supplements are not legal.

Fact: Even though certain organizations have officially banned some bodybuilding legal supplement, they are not considered illegal. They are currently available on the web and retail stores. 

3. Myth: The bodybuilding supplement allow us to become fit without ever working out.

Fact: These supplement have been designed to function well in close conjunction with rigorous fitness programs. Taken by themselves, they are not likely to deliver any satisfactory results. 

4. Myth: Such bodybuilding legal supplements come with tons of adverse effects.

Fact: The vast majority of these supplements include essential ingredients that naturally occur in our bodies. Due to this fact, they arrive with almost non-existent adverse effects. The most encountered side effect may be an upset stomach or diarrhea, but also this is quite rare. If they do occur, they will typically disappear within a few days. 

5. Myth: These supplements are not affordable.

Fact: One can easily get access to affordable bodybuilding supplements, such as Crazy Mass, that will allow you to buy it without emptying your wallets. 

6. Myth: Most bodybuilding supplements don’t work at all.

Fact: A whole lot of people have found that bodybuilding supplements, such as Crazy Mass, have highly enhanced their fitness workouts, helped them achieve quick results, put on serious muscle mass, and decrease post-workout recovery times. While Crazy Mass doesn’t provide the same results in every single person, the overwhelming majority of individuals find a strong improvement in their physique after making use of these products for a few weeks. 

Most people just don’t really understand what bodybuilding supplements are and what benefits they can provide to the person who is very serious about finally enhancing his performance level. You can read much more on the topic and fully understand all what it is about at 

What You Need To Know About Appetite Suppressant Pills

 Making use of appetite suppressant pills can help you cut the overall sum of foods that you eat on a daily basis by as much as 40 percent! This will help you cut down your daily intake of calories and no longer crave for foods. Food cravings are predominantly responsible for the sharp increase in weight-related and obesity problems. When individuals regularly crave for bad meals, they ultimately tend to crave for them during all times of the day. The vast majority of people crave for meals that have way too much salt or sugar. These are those foods that possess loads of calories and bad fats. People make use of appetite suppressant pills in order to modify their food-eating habit, in an attempt to lose body weight.

 These pills help retrain your overall eating habits, thereby decreasing the general amounts of consumed food. Most individuals who use these people mention that within only a few months and sometimes weeks, they find that they eat far smaller food portions, and feel full much quicker. This assists in controlling your appetite. Attempting to control your food cravings by abstaining from your regular snacking habits is very hard to achieve, which explains why so many people have begun taking appetite suppressants.

 With so many number of health products available in today’s market, it is essential to search for the safe and most effective appetite suppressant pills, which can be found and read here. Carrying out some investigations and research is quite important before buying any sort of product. People have sometimes lost lives or ended up suffering from life-long complications due to pills that didn’t match their needs or where way too dangerous. Some products don’t undergo clinical testing and are thus, unsafe for use. This is why it is important to read information from websites that you can trust.

 Today’s availability of the world wide web means that there are much more pills available for purchase than any before. Though, it is always essential to ensure that these pills are created by reliable firms. When purchasing any type of pill, you must check that they have been FDA approved and passed the necessary safety tests. In addition, before using any type of appetite suppressant pills, it is important that you consult with your physicians. You doctor has the ability to run some tests and suggest the best pills for you. Individuals that have existing conditions must never consume any pills without initially talking with their physicians. Nursing and pregnant mother must never take these pills as well.

About Us



With over 100,000 real reader comments, we can surely help

 Healthy Self Programs is your source to finding the top bodybuilding supplements, weight-loss supplements, dietary supplements and more at the lowest rates possible. As an original supplement review site, we have already help thousands of visitors discover the exact type of supplement that they are searching for in order to meet their requirements and needs, at the best prices, and we’d like to help you as well! That’s what we’re here for - for you!

 We have tens of supplement experts that work for us and work for you as well. They aim to regularly post their own reviews on certain supplements and cover all that you need to know about them. The pros, the cons, the good, the bad, everything! You just need to check us out every once in a while and you’ll be surprised by what we have to offer!

 With our field-leading supplement review website interface, you can research what our experts have to say about the top supplements out there, and even read what some of our visitors personally suggest. Our constantly-growing internet community and expert editors have already reviews hundreds of supplements, based on four crucial factors:

 1. Speed of the Results

 How fast can one expect to observe noticeable results with the supplement?

 2. Effectiveness

 How good can the specific supplement perform its promised task?

 3. Overall Value

 Are you receiving a quality product for the price paid?

 4. User and Consumer Ratings

 What have previous users and consumers have to say about the specific supplement reviewed?

 Plus, we don’t stop there! HealthySelfPrograms will help you discover the leading supplements from some of the top sources out there, at the most affordable rates! After researching and investigating tons of supplements, we want to help find the top bodybuilding and dietary supplements out there that you can trust in your bodybuilding journey! 

A Comprehensvie Gynectrol Review- Does it Help To Get Rid of Man Boobs?

 Gynectrol is highly effective bodybuilding food supplement from CrazyBulk that has been specially formulated to boost weight loss process. It’s made of mostly natural ingredients and have very low side effects. It mainly targets fatty cells around your chest, thus reducing man boobs safely and quickly. 

Do you lack confidence due to your man boobs? Have you been teased by others for having big man boobs? Are you embarrassed by this part of your body that continues to grow even after you spend hours in the gym? Then its time to try Gynectrol. It will quickly reduce fat cells in your chest areas and will make it look more manly! 


One of the important ingredients of Gynectrol supplement is caffeine. It helps in boosting your body metabolism and increases lipolysis, turning it into an effective fat burner. During lipolysis, body discharges fatty acids into the blood stream thereby reducing body’s fat reserves. As such, it can be said that caffeine helps your body in burning fat fast. Caffeine is also a good stimulant that also provides you a energy boost, allowing you to perform physical and mental tasks such as lifting weights and running. When you take this supplement, you will feel more energy and can work for hours in gym thereby losing that ugly fat around your chest.

Then there’s gugglesterone that stimulates thydroid glands, creative catabolic effects on body’s adipose tissue. This results in faster fat burning. Chromium is another active ingredient that helps builds muscles and also burns offer fats. Another important ingredient is thebromien cacao that is rich in L-arginine that boosts muscle building and testosterone production. 

Green tea is another ingredient in Gynectrol that has alkanoids and flavonoids, both of which are effective fat bruners. It also has lots of scleroids that have so many tehrmogenic properties and thus qualify as effective fat burner. It should be noted that all these ingredients are 100 percent natural and do not cause any side effect. 


The biggest plus point of this man boobs solution is that it’s very easy to use. You just need to take it twice a day, before meals. During days when you’re to workout or train these breast reduction pills should be taken at least 25 minutes before the start of the exercise.

Since Gynectrol is available in tablet form, you won’t face any problem in taking it. You can easily bring it anywhere you go. There are no prescriptions from physicians, nor any injections required. 

Gynectrol is also a cost-effective supplement. You just have to pay $60 for a bottle with 60 tablets, which can last for an entire month. This makes these pills one of the cheapest alternatives to other bodybuilding supplements that are often priced above $100. Many websites offer buy two and get one promotion free offers, which gives you more savings. 

According to experts, this man boobs solution is the fastest ways to get rid of man boobs. You’ll get the best results in just two to three months.


It’s a relatively new product with limited reviews. So you’ll have to try it out to convince yourself that this solution really works. 

It also requires you to visit gym so all those who want to get rid of man boobs without working out may be disappointed.


All in all, there are many bodybuilding supplements o the market these days, but only few deliver the promised results. Gnyectrol may be new, but is definitely one of the best and most cost effective ways to get rid of your ugly and embarrassing man boobs within few weeks. We recommend it. Please give it a try Here!

How do appetite suppressant pills work and what do they do?

Appetite suppressant pills are supposed to help a person lose weight. They do their work by suppressing appetite and by making the body feel full. They also make a person feel less hungry and most work by increasing the production of serotonin and catecholamine.

These are the two chemicals that live in the brain and their main function is to regulate a person’s mood as well as appetite. High levels of these chemicals will help to suppress a person’s appetite. When a person does not feel hungry, they are much less likely to overeat and in this way they are able to control their weight.

Most appetite suppressants work by either making adjustments to the quantity of certain neurotransmitters, which help to control appetite. These neurotransmitters include serotonin and catecholamine. Most pills to suppress appetite either change the concentration of these two chemicals directly or they can also fool the brain into believing that the quantity of these two neurotransmitters have changed whereas in fact their quantities remain the same. The result is that the brain is instructed to send signals to the body that the stomach is full.

Some appetite suppressant pills also work by affecting the stomach instead of the brain. These pills contain certain ingredients that expand on reaching the stomach and in doing so they create a substance, which helps to make the stomach feel full. This substance cannot be digested and instead it simply is passed out in the form of stool.

Either way, the pill will produce an identical result, which of course is to make you feel full. When you feel full, you are able to cut down the quantity of food eaten during a meal and at the same time, you will also start to reduce your snacking between meals. Best of all, you will consume fewer calories.

It must be understood that appetite suppressant pills per se do not cause weight reduction. However, they do ensure that you consume fewer calories and when you take the pills regularly you will find it easier to achieve weight loss because you will be consuming fewer foods, which in turn means that less fat will be consumed. Also, these pills will make you eat smaller portions and this too directly helps in reducing weight.

Some pills are designed to burn fat. These pills increase the pace at which molecules of fat are broken down after consumption. The process by which the fat molecules are broken down is called thermogenesis. Thermogenesis helps to increase the body’s temperature (within the body) and this in turn helps to break down fat. Other pills are designed to boost the metabolism. These also work like fat burners but they do their work in a different manner. In fact, they make the cells in the human body work harder. When the cells work harder they burn up more energy and calories and that again helps with weight loss. Still other pills are designed to block carbohydrates. Unless carbohydrates are broken down they cannot be absorbed into the body. By blocking the carbohydrates certain appetite suppressant pills are able to prevent the carbohydrates from being absorbed into the body. This is another unique way of losing weight.

To know more about the best appetite suppressant pills, be sure to check this link out:

A brief look at TBAL75


TBAL75 is an excellent bodybuilding supplement. CrazyBulk, a renowned supplement maker and distributor makes this supplement, whose main selling point is that it is a safe alternative to the Trenbolone steroid. Its main functions include nitrogen retention as well as production of red blood cells to help with lean bulking. Trenbolone is a very powerful and versatile steroid that has been widely used by bodybuilders in many countries. However, it is illegal to use Trenbolone in many countries. Despite this, it is widely used because it provides excellent anabolic as well as androgenic effects. 

With the help of TBAL it is possible to bulk up while at the same time also cutting fat. Its other main benefit is to improve libido among men. Trenbolone is an illegal steroid that is mostly used to enhance performance. It is an illegal steroid because it produces adverse side effects like rapidly increasing the heart rate and blood pressure. People who take this steroid also report aggressive behavior and they also report suffering from erectile dysfunction. Other side effects include overheating of the body and breathlessness; night sweats as well as insomnia and strange colored dark urine as well as paranoia.

 To avoid all these side effects it makes sense to look for a suitable alternative to Trenbolone and it is here where the CrazyBulk TBAL75 comes into the picture. The nice thing about this bodybuilding supplement is that it is made from natural ingredients that do not produce any side effects and yet mimic the androgenic and anabolic effects of Trenbolone.

 This particular bodybuilding supplement has been developed to aid men who want to lose fat and also build up muscles. Those who have taken this supplement report significant addition of lean muscle mass in a matter of

a few weeks. 

The other reasons why TBAL is such a useful supplement are that it helps in increasing nitrogen retention, which plays a pivotal role in maintaining a high rate of protein synthesis. Secondly, this supplement also helps the body  produce more red blood cells. When working out strenuously, your body will lose oxygen. So, when more red blood cells are produced they are able to send higher amounts of oxygen to the muscles thereby ensuring that you can workout for longer and harder. The result is that you will make significant gains during recovery. Thirdly, this supplement also helps to burn fat easily. In fact, the supplement is known for burning fat in the form of fuel for your weightlifting sessions and then for the rest of the day afterwards. This allows the muscles to grow.

 So, if you wish to build more lean muscles and if you want to increase your strength as well as power, and if you want to improve your endurance and stamina, you will do well to use TBAL75, which also helps you to reduce fat and sport a leaner and more chiseled body.

 The bottom line is that this is one of the best bodybuilding supplements on the market. It produces even more impressive results when stacked with other dedicated bulking supplements. For more information, be sure

to check out this link: